Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Why Buy LED Light Bulbs?

The incandescent light bulb has been the standard lighting option for nearly 100 years. In recent decades, the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) has gained popularity because it's more energy efficient and lasts longer. However, the bulb contains mercury and takes a while to shine at its brightest.
LED (light-emitting diode) light bulbs are now becoming an even more practical lighting solution. On average, about a dozen watts from these energy-efficient LED bulbs provides the same amount of light as a 60-watt incandescent. This makes it so you can save on electricity without scrimping on the amount of light you have. Additionally, these lights shine their full brightness as soon as you turn them on. Gone are the days of searching for your shoes in the dark closet as the CFL bulb slowly warms up.

Some LED light bulbs last up to 50,000 hours, which means you'll be replacing them less than you would an incandescent or CFL bulb. This is nice if you have a light socket in a hard to access area, such as a high ceiling. Another great aspect of LED light bulbs is that they don't contain mercury, so when you finally replace your LED lighting, you don't need to dispose of them as hazardous material.
In our research and testing, we found Philips L PrizeDefinity A19 and Sylvania 12-watt to be the best LED light bulbs. For more information, read our articles about LED lighting.

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