Tuesday, March 12, 2013

online earning without investing

Earn extra money online from home

Do you want to have fun producing means?Do you have it in you to have fun in writing?Do you have some extra time to write?Do you have the instinct to be a freelance writer?Do you see something extra in expressing your thought to share with the world?Does your mind roam freely with ecstasy and romance?Do you like to travel down your memory lane?Do you want to build an empire of your own brick by brick?Are you in need of honest money to live and enjoy better?
Then explore the whole world of Earning Money by Online Writing
Requirement is almost equal to nothing more than a PC with internet connection which is a very common item in every house hold
Earning in this line is not so negligible as some people feel.You can easily earn $50 a day if you develop targeted approach in your mindset.
Initial journey in this line may become little bit difficult but as you proceed the difficulties would vanish from you and it will make you expert and only by employing about two hours or so you will be able to write sufficient to earn about $50 a day.If you employ some more time during week ends it will pay back you proportionately.
Through this blog postings I shall try to explore the different avenues open for the common persons who re not having any specialized skill even can do some home based online jobs without any investment which in return can give them modest income for better living.i don’t recommend giving up the permanent day job from which salaries and other benefits are earned.The online home based jobs are recommended for the unemployed and underemployed and to some extent for the employed persons.Housewives, and teachers can do these jobs with moderate to high success rate.
The persons who are working in govt and semi govt organizations do gather some skill for the communications and expressions and these knowledges can be applied for doing online jobs like writing and design works.writing articles on varied subjects is the most befitting job for these class of peoples.College students who faces funding problems can do these jobs more efficiently to earn extra money.I am a full time employee still I manage 2-3 hours every day and 12-18 hours in the week ends and other holidays and I write aggressively on various subjects of my choices.I also go through different books and sits and note down the relevant points and include these in my writing and make my writing full of informations.
Writings should be rich in information,Seo formating to a little extent is desirable,Copying from other sites is an avoidable attempt,everything to be knitted on the own words of the writers,keyword use and research,relevance of the subject matter,importance of the content,etc and other aspects will be dealt in details for the newbies of the future writers.Internet is all about business,Google.com,Yahoo,MSN,Bing are all about the business,earning revenues,all the media in the internet,website,social networking,blogs etc are all for the earning money.Millions of persons earning their bread and butter from online marketting,and everybody can be the memdber of this millions.
now it is almost established that earning money online is possible and not only that a positive person can earn sufficient for his bread and butter.
please follow my subsequent blogs to prepare yourselves for this special online earning,wherein every aspects of writings will be discussed in details,you can have your comments in the comment box to clear your doubts.

Writing Articles

It is most wide and affordable job in the internet,the articles are used as blog materials,content of website,SEO purpose articles,Academic and research article and many others.This job is very easy to complete and gives modest income.In todays online markets there are plenty of websites which offer article writing job on contract basis,Interested person is required to register his candidature with full biodata it is online and free of charge,the websites offer the job on the basis of your biodata,you are required to place a bid online, this means that you have to offer your price for getting the job,who offers lowest price he wins the job,there after the person is required to complete the job of specific Article Writing within a specified time,sometimes the employer asks for the sample of your writing,you are required to do that for getting the job,a person may not be able to get a particular job,but there are plenty of this jobs, if ou bid your price sincerely then it is obvious that you will get some of these which will be sufficient to keep you engaged online.As your expertise goes improving chances of getting the job direct from the employer is there

Editing and proofreading

The online writing market is flush with this type of job,better paid than Article writing job,you will get some writings where you are required to edit the same,you have to correct grammer error,spelling mistake,and redesigning the sentences or paragraph to make the subject matter more relevant and matching with proper consistency.Knowledge of english grammer is required again there is time limitation within which you have to complete the job

Web Content Writing

This is also a well paid job after geting some experience in article writing You will be able to perform the job of Content writing,Subject matter will be given by the employer,then you will be required to write about surrounding that content,you may need to gather some relevant knowledge from books or related internet sites to express those things in concise manner into your writing,these contents are published in wesites so you are required to become little bit careful in writing

SEO Article Writing

This is a special class of online article writingThe writer is required to 300-400 word article based on some keyword supplied by the employer,they give some specifications like using the keyword in heading,title, and 4-5 times in the body of the article,Theme and flow of writing also required to preserve,I shall explain these things in details in my subsequent posts

DataEntry Job

This job relates to typing data from one form to another form, like typing data from Word document to Spread sheets, this allows the employer to interpret the data of a business in scientific ways.it is converting raw data to a formattable form.the another data entry is the typing the programme language in the specified format,there after the programmer consolidates the data entered by all the users into a executable software programme.The latter form of data entry requires more accuracy as a single mistake may harm the programme.Typing from hearing a desertations,presentations,conference,meeting,here it is listen and type,very easy it is.The typing speed and accuracy is most important here,income in this job is good enough

online survey

As a part of marketing strategies many national,multinational and even local companies create data base about consumer preferences and pricing of products to stay ahead in revenue generation,these companies gathers informations in the form of questioneries,or ordinary forms,they outsource this jobs to freelancers for fillinng of forms or answering the questioneries,these are homebased job, can be done sitting at home to earn modest income,one has to get the work from freelance websites

Graphic design,logo design,banner design,brochur design

Every business wants to be branded so they want to have their own logo,it part and parcel of marketting strategy,by seeing the logo people recognise the company without going into deatails,even some countries have their logo to develop their tourism industry,the these comes under the activity of graphic design,this job requires some understanding of the subject,words,lines,colour,texture of the design are some main components,one has to make some studies regarding this,also required to know the workings of photoshop programmes,in photoshop programme every thing is available to go through,website design also comes under this broad categories,a weldesigned website attracts more fiewers than any other website without any design,this category of work is high in demand and have better earning avenues,when any freelancer works wholeheartedly these skills develop automatically 

Photo editing,photography and photo uploading

if anybody has some affinity for photography then its the most suitable job for him to do sitting at home and earning handsome amount,raw photographs needs some face wash or editing to make the same attractive and expressive,all devices are available in photoshop pragramme,jobs are available in plenty in some free freelancing websites,the persons having interest in photography can sell his artistic piece by uploading the same in some specified websites in exchange the website owners pay good amount to the uploaders,before uploading the same the photographs to be edited and designed with better view,website owners sometimes wants the photos of their own specifications,one has to fulfill the same before uploading,this job also available throug

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